Mount Kunir

Arriving at the entrance or parking locations, travelers are required to climb the hill for 15-20 minutes. In between the trips, many spots are no less amazing. Managers from the tourist places of Mount Kunir are also beautify it with the gazebo to relax and making the unique writings to selfie. This mountain is actually a hill at an altitude of about 870 meters above sea level. However, the people give it the name of “Mount Kunir” because this mountain is famous for its top that can show the beauty of a golden sunrise and sunset.

From the summit of Mount Kunir, it is visible gold streaks of sunrise. Besides the charm of its sun, from peak of Mount Kunir travelers can see a view of Merapi Mountain, Merbabu Mountain, Sindoro Mountain, Sumbing Mountain, and peak of Mount Tidar. Besides on that, the Borobudur Temple in Magelang is quite visible when the weather is not foggy. If the night with a sky full of stars, most likely other beautiful scenery can be seen. Travelers can take pictures with a background in natural scenery, like mountains up to urban areas.

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Mount Kunir, which is in Menoreh Mountains region. Menoreh Mountains region itself stretches from Magelang to Purworejo with one of peaks is Mount Kunir. This peak is precisely located in the village of Benowo, Bener District, Purworejo, Central Java. To get there, you need to use the local transportation L300 car from the city to the Benowo Village, Purworejo, and make next trip with renting motorcycles which are belong to local residents. You can also use a private vehicle that is directly navigate to Mount Benowo.

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