Mount Pangonan

This mountain has a unique compared to other mountain in Dieng. If you can enjoy spacious and beautiful panorama in the peak of Mt. Prau, while Sikunir can enjoy beautiful sunrise scenery, an then Mt. Pangonan offers a different experience. In addition to enjoying the sunrise and sunset at the mountain top, you can also enjoy a view of the long form of the plains. As usual meadow, on Mt. Pangonan, grass grows wild expanse at the top of the mountain.

Ascent post of Mt. Pangonan in the Karangtengah Village, Batur District, Banjarnegara. Pos is characterized by permanent wooden houses that accompanied by a vast parking of vehicles. It is located in the beginning of the hiking trail. This post fit into the place of preparation up to the mountain, and quench your thirst from the moment of the trip home. Pangonan Mountain is suitable for all climbers. The novice climbers can climb, because of the road is not steep enough. If the weather is bright, peaks of the mountain have also been seen from this first post. However, mileage may differ greatly depending on the condition of the climbers themselves.

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Dieng has become known as a leading tourist area that is also known for mountain tourism. Mountains that usually known in Dieng area is Mount Prau, Sikunir Hill, and Mount Pakuwajan. Now, there is a mountain again that you should try. People usually call it with name ” Pangonan.” This mountain should be a concern, since heading altitude mountain climbing or basecamp 2300 masl that has been officially opened in February 2016 by the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, in conjunction with the celebration of Tawur Hindus Sikidang Crater.

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