prambanan ramayana ballet

Prambanan Ramayana Ballet

Ramayana Ballet Prambanan is a visualization of Kakawin Ramayana, Javanese version of Ramayana story, performed near the Prambanan temple, Indonesia. The Ramayana Ballet at the Prambanan isn’t like the Western ballet performance, It’s more like the Wayang wong.

The entire Ramayana story consist of four episodes and full story, each night one episode, in four clear night and full moon each month May through October, of which (1) First, the Abduction of Dewi Sita, (2) Second, Hanuman on fire, (3) Third, death of Kumbakarna, and (4) the last, Rama meet Sita.

Prambanan Ramayana Ballet is a show that combines dance and drama without dialogue, based on the story of Ramayana and performed in close Prambanan in Java, Indonesia. Prambanan Ramayana Ballet is a ballet that most routinely performed since 1961. Selection Ramayana ballet form as the narrator hero or so-called because of the epic Ramayana ballet motions put amplifier expressions instead of dialogue, so expect the delivery of the epic Ramayana can be more easily understood against the background culture and languages ​​of different audiences. Ramayana is a journey to save his wife Sita Rama (in Java commonly called Sprott) were abducted by State king of Lanka, Ravana. Prambanan Ramayana Ballet is usually held every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, performances on the outdoor stage only in the dry, out of the staging was held at the covered stage.

Complete address of the office as well as the location of the show is Highway Jogja – Solo Km 16 Prambanan of Sleman, Yogyakarta 55 571.

The initial idea of Ramayana originated from an idea to boost tourism Djatikoesoemo GPH Indonesia in the eyes of the world. In 1960 Djatikoesoemo watched the show Royal Ballet of Cambodia were staged in front of Angkor Wat in its journey to the friendly countries for reviewing places that can be a source of inspiration, after returning to Indonesia finally Djatikoesoemo beniat to put on a show that is displayed on the front dramatari Prambanan Temple. Ramayana’s first project is handled directly by the Ministry of Land Transportation, Post and Telecommunications, as a national project with funding of 20 million dollars, and implemented beginning in April 1961.

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Originally staged wiracita divided into six episodes, namely (1) The loss of Sita; (2) Hanuman Duta; (3) Hanuman Obong; (4) Preparation Bridge for Ngalengka; (5) Annulment Kumbakarna; and (6) Test of Loyalty Sita or Sita Obong. [11] The division of six episodes is valid since 1961, since episode 2 and 4 is less cause climax and do not attract the attention of the audience, since 1967 the six episodes compressed into four episode.Episode 1 dsampai 5 condensed into 3 episode, while episode 6 remain intact and be the beginning of the episode 4. Each episode is always preceded by chanting the song of the contents pesindhen told the audience that the performances of the Ramayana always diselenggakan on the full moon. Before the start of the story is shown a procession of eight dancers dressed man Keraton Surakarta soldiers who were escorting seven women carrying offerings. After being on the stage floor tenga, soldiers will conduct dashing dance, while the women carrying offerings and incense offerings laying near the gamelan. The women carriers of offerings will then be seated in between gamelan and continue the next task as a vocalist or waranggana, while the soldiers out stage. A backstage announcer will read out the contents of the story according to the episode that will be shown in English and accompanied by the music of the gamelan. Each episode usually begins at 19:00 and ends at 21:00.

Episode 1: The loss of Sita
Episode 1 consists of 3 rounds and detailed in 57 scenes. The first half describes the palace of Lanka, arrival and Sarpakenaka reports, as well as the decision of Ravana to kidnap Sita along Marica. The second half tells Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana in the Forest Dandaka, Sita tempted Kijang Kencana which is the embodiment Marica, then go hunting deer Rama, Lakshmana left Sita Furthermore Ravana abducted, Jatayu trying to rescue Sita, and Rama meet Jatayu who almost died. The third round describe the war between Vali and Sugriva by Vali death.

Episode 2: Hanuman Duta
Hanuman burning of Lanka country scene.
Episode 2 consists of seven innings and detailed in 71 scenes. The first half describes the cave Kiskenda attended by Sugriva, Rama, Lakshmana, and the assignment of four ambassadors who led Hanuman to find Sita. The second half tells the group that fooled Hanuman traps and trickery Sayempraba up blind. The third round of Raja Garuda Sempati heal tells Hanuman and his entourage then give instructions on how to head of Lanka. The fourth round of telling Sita by Ravana who courted Argasoka Park. Contains the fifth round meeting with Sita in Argasoka Hanuman and Hanuman war with Indrajit up captive Hanuman. Indrajit sixth round brought before Ravana Hanuman, Ravana Hanuman angry and beat until fall, Wibisana cautioned Ravana that is not worth treating ambassador helpless, and ended with the expulsion of Wibisana of Lanka. The seventh round, Hanuman punished by burning alive, but Hanuman instead take some fire that burned and ran towards the haystack as a clone of housing in Alengka and burned. Hanuman left of Lanka to report to Rama.

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Episode 3: The death Kumbakarna
Episode 3 consists in 4 innings and detailed in 42 scenes. The first half depicts Rama joint venture army keranya to build a bridge connecting South Indian of Lanka. The second half contains Anggada as envoy to the arrival of Lanka, Ravana who wants to kill Anggada prevented by Kumbakarna and ending with the expulsion Kumbakarna. The third round describe atara war of Lanka army with troops of monkeys, Indrajit releases an arrow Nagapaksa the form of a snake and monkey immobilize troops. Nagapaksa in Prambanan Ramayana Ballet is displayed with a form five female dancers are dressed like a snake. Wibisana reply with arrows Garuda and managed to bargain the effects of Nagapaksa. Garuda arrows displayed with the form of a number of dancers with costumes eagle. The next scene of the battle between the Lakshman Indrajit. The fourth round describe the fight between Kumbakarna and Sugriva, Sugriva who tedesak assisted by Lakshman, Lakshman finally killed Kumbakarna, the angels greet the spirits Kumbakarna.

Episode 4: The Holy Fire Sita
Episode 4 consists in 4 bakan and detailed in 48 scenes. The first half depicts Ravana who seduce Sita, but Sita still refused, Ravana shows similar head with Rama and Lakshmana, Sita and then fainted. The second round of war between the parties contain Rama and Ravana, Ravana took to the battlefield and died at the hands of Rama. The third round Wibisana Rama crowned as the king of Lanka, the presence of Sita rejected by Rama, Sita is not considered sacred because it has been touched Ravana. Sita to prove her purity with attempted entry into flames, Sita finally rescued by the fire god, Batara Brama, Sita fell on the mound fire dimbimbing experiment by Brama and meet Rama. The scene ends with Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, and magnifying the army of monkeys to leave the stage.

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There are differences in Ramayana with puppet Jawa.Perbedaan the fourth episode is the death of Ravana, the Javanese wayang Ravana could not die because it has the properties Pancasona aji when his body hit the ground, he would come back to life. When the magic arrow on the body of Rama Ravana, Hanuman Ravana chase and choke body with great mountain that Ravana could not move anymore. Ramayana Prambanan make a change regarding this, Ravana could be killed by Rama.

Full story
Since 1996 performances Ramayana also present in the form of the story intact. Presentation of this whole story is handled by the Foundation Jonggrang as well as other dance groups such as Kasanggit and Cahya Gumelar. The appearance of the story intact spent two hours, compressed and begins the fourth episode fight scenes contest which was won by Rama Sita. Foundation Jonggrang can display the story in episode or story intact, while the group is only allowed to display the whole story. Another group performed at this stage turns, in addition to the Foundation Jonggrang other groups, among others: Cahya Gumelar, Kasanggit, Guwawijaya, Sekar Puri, Vishnu Murti, and OMM.

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