wadaslintang dam

Wadaslintang Dam

Wadaslintang reservoir is a reservoir located in the District of Wadaslintang, Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia. This reservoir has several important functions that sustain the lives of people in the vicinity. Some major functions Reservoir Wadaslintang among others:

  • Irrigation
  • Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP)
  • Fishery
  • Tourism
  • Prevent flooding
  • Water reservoir

Wadaslintang reservoir is located in the southern part of the District of Wadaslintang bordering districts Padureso in Kebumen. This reservoir using Gede time as the main source of water with a few small tributaries other woods that supply water to the reservoir Wadaslintang. In the process of its development, Reservoir Wadaslintang take some villages that requires citizens to move somewhere to stay. Dam construction process is done in the reign of President Suharto. It took 7 years to build their dams Wadaslintang, construction began in 1982 and was completed in 1988. The reservoir is famous as a favorite location for recreational fishing for sport fishing enthusiasts. Usually on weekends and holidays, many anglers both from within and outside the city who visited this reservoir.

According terminologies, Wadaslintang derived from two words ie, wadas which means stone and latitude which means star. So said Wadaslintang less means rock-like bright stars. It is said that according to folklore, before the village opened a settlement Wadaslintang there are rocks that resemble shimmering stars and so he called the name Wadaslintang.Bebatuan which have characteristic milky white and sparkling like stars is even today there are still many in the village Wadaslintang, especially numerous in the sand Village Wadaslintang times.

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Wadaslintang history of the village can not be released by the Diponegoro War events that occurred in 1825-1830. Wadaslintang region when it was still a stretch of wilderness areas. Around 1827 came looking for Diponegoro troops hiding area, which eventually terdamparlah Diponegoro troops in the region Cangkring. Arrival Diponegoro in this Cangkring to escape pursuit Dutch forces from the direction of Kebumen to Wonosobo. They came to Cangkring through Kalipuru, Fluent then Cangkring. Ki Selarong Magelang also spent some time in Cangkring. Some members of the squad are staying in Cangkring Joko Kanoman and Suryo Mataram. They were assigned to open up the forest and turn it into a place of settlement, which ultimately stood Wadaslintang village. Joko Kanoman asked to be Dhemang, but Joko Kanoman not willing to be appointed as Dhemang. Cadipura finally appointed as the first in Wadaslintang Dhemang lifted directly from the Duchy. Cadipura is not a native of the village Cangkring, he comes from Lamuk, Kaliwiro. His territory is Wadaslintang region, Cangkring and Panerusan. At that time the government is in the village center Cangkring, but during the reign of Dolah Sirod (1907-1910) which is a village chief who was appointed by the Head of the seat of government was moved to the village Wadaslintang.

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Appointment Cadipura as Dhemang is the beginning of a long journey for Wadaslintang earth, the beginning of a system of government and the beginning of the social set. The names of the village chief who ruled Wadaslintang are as follows:

  • Dhemang Cadipura, reigned between the years 1834-1848
  • Dhemang Cadireja, reigned between the years 1848-1895
  • Kartodirjo, reigned between the years 1895-1907
  • Headman Dolah Sirod, reigned between the years 1907-1910
  • Glondong Sastro Sukarno, reigned between the years 1910-1955
  • Sudarmo Maryo Village Head, ruled between the years 1955-1973
  • The village head Sardi Susilo Miharjo, reigned between the years 1973-1975
  • Abdulholim village chief, reigned between the years 1975-1990
  • Village Head Joyo Dipuro, reigned between the years 1990-1998
  • Furthermore, after 1998 the village of liquidated replaced Wadaslintang Village
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The big difference between name brands Dhemang, Glondong, the village chief or headman actually has its own history. In the beginning, around 1827 is going Diponegoro War troops came Joko Kanoman in Cangkring Wadaslintang later he was appointed by the Regent in the Duchy Wonosobo to be Ruler Wadaslintang or Territory at that time called Dhemang, but Jaka Kanoman not want so Regents raised Cadipura as Dhemang first in Wadaslintang.

source : wikipedia.org


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