Mary Pieta Statue in Soppeng

Religious Tourism with Historical in South Sulawesi


The statue was imported directly from the Vatican in the Dutch colonial period. The existence of the statue in Soppeng is unintentional. The local priest, Pastor Emmanuel Asi ‘mentions that the statue was imported directly from the Vatican in the Dutch colonial period. In fact the colonial nations wanted to spread Catholicism in Bandung, but since that time Soppeng had been one of the safest and peaceful, the statue was hidden in Soppeng. Until finally Indonesia’s independence, the statue was still in Soppeng. Pastor Leo Blot, CICM who brought the statue and hid in Soppeng. He was a member of the Dutch military, as well as the first to be appointed a pastor in the church.

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One religious tourism in Soppeng is a statue of the Virgin Mary Pieta. Pieta Statue of the Virgin Mary has been in Soppeng since 1971 at which time Pastor Yomblot pioneered this church for the first time. Virgin Mary Pieta Statue that located in the Catholic Church, Jl Samudra, Lalabata District, Soppeng, is being the proof of Catholic Christians enter volume history of Soppeng.

Reasons the placement of Pieta Statue in Soppeng is for Christians of the Catholic minority in the town Kalong. Pedestal is useful to provide reassurance and strength to the Catholic Christian community by passing the prayers. This statue has become a cultural heritage in Soppeng.

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Location of this church is about 20 minutes from downtown. Pieta statue itself tells the figure of the Virgin Mary, who was holding the bodies of his son, Jesus Christ that was died on the cross. This is a very great sacrifice. This uniqueness is making thousands of Catholics flocked throughout the month of May that is celebrated as a month Mariam, and October as the month of the Rosary. Local residents that coming from various religions also help provide meals to home stay for tourists.

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Mary Pieta Statue in Soppeng
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