krakal beach

Krakal Beach

Krakal including beautiful beaches when compared to the beaches found along the island of Java. This beach receives the sun from morning hinga dusk throughout the year. Sea breeze that blows very cool and pretty big waves. Krakal has a texture that is flat and sandy white stretching more than 5 kilometers. This beach and coastal area developed into a tourist village, especially foreign tourists.

The trip to the beach is across the limestone hills interspersed with rock terraces. This is characteristic of a managed area residents karts. Based on geological research, in ancient times Krakal area is the basis of the ocean by the process of appointment, the seabed is increasingly rising and eventually emerged as a plateau. Coral rocks that appear at the time, the former home of coral animals that live in the ocean at that time.

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Krakal can be reached via the road along the 6 kilometers of coastal areas Kukup. Arguably that this coast into the last series after a visit to the beach Baron and Kukup. This beach distance from the city of Yogyakarta about 65 kilometers which can be reached in less than 3 hours.

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