anak krakatau volcanic island

Anak Krakatau Volcanic Island

Child of Krakatoa (Anak Gunung Krakatau)

Indonesia sanctuary child of Krakatoa or Anak Gunung Krakatau is located in sunda strait between two islands Java and Lampung Island. Almost people around the world know about Krakatoa volcano, then the child of Krakatoa is the rest of big volcano Krakatoa that has exploded over hundred years ago. There are three islands that available now named Rakat, Panjang, and Sertung. So, they are become archipelago that is surrounded sunda strait. The archipelago of Krakatoa has established by Netherlands Indies government as one of Indonesia’s sanctuary which has 2.405,10 hectares of area because they claim that it’s one of national park named “Ujung Kulon”. Then, directorate of save forestry has taken child of Krakatoa into forest conservation. As the result, UNESCO admit it as one of world’s heritage in Indonesia.

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Besides, child of Krakatoa becomes the object of tourists to visit, usually they also trying to keep the purity of it by following forestry reservation. However, child of Krakatoa still has flora and fauna. There are more than 206 kind of fungi, ferns, and also 250 kinds of spermatophyte. Whereas, the fauna of the island are mammals like rats and big bats, fowls, and reptiles including turtles.

How to get there:

This route starts from Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung. New visitors will be taken into Bom quay or Canti quay. Both of them are quay that provide ships for transportation to get in Krakatoa or you may also go via Bakauheni. You need to spend for about 1 up to 2 hours on ship. There are there place for you to know in this island, first volcanic beach which has black sand just like in Parangtritis. Second you will find pine forest which is still nature and then the last is the mountain. You can start to climb the mountain, but you need the guider to do this, even you won’t be allowed to reach the peak of the mountain. This volcano is still active.

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source : ady mifarizki, &

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