van der wijk fort

Van der Wijk Fort

In the Dutch colonial period, there was a fortress at first glance it seems like a football stadium in the city who precisely Gombong, Kebumen, Central Java, approximately 300 m from the highway Kebumen – Yogyakarta

The most distinctive feature of Fort Van Der Wijck is octagonal / octagonal with an area of ​​7,168 square meters. High-fort reached 10 meters consisting of two floors. Wall thickness of 1.4 meters (m) and 1.1 m thick floor. Almost all its forms is a wall of the building, including the roof which is derived from a brick, on the first floor and two are respectively 16 large room with a size of 18 x 6.5 m. While small room on the first floor there are 27 various size rooms, while on the second floor there are 25 rooms. On the first floor there are four gates, 72 windows, 63 doors between the room and exit the castle, 8 stairs to the second floor and two emergency staircases. While on the second floor, there are 84 windows, 70 doors and four staircases connecting to the roof.

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This fort is a stronghold of the Dutch East Indies were built around the 18th century, Van Der Wijck The name itself comes from the name of the commander at the time that his career is quite brilliant in silencing resistance of the people of Aceh. At its inception, the fort was named Fort Cochius (Fort Cochius) of the name of a general Dutch Frans David Cochius (1787-1876) who once assigned in Bagelen (one region Kedu residency), Van der Wijck a military officer with a brilliant career because supposedly capable of winning the wars in Indonesia. There is no record of exactly when to start construction in the history of the castle, but there are estimates that in 1827.

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Fort Van der Wicjk was a military barracks that was originally used to dampen the strength of the troops of Prince Diponegoro. Because of the greatness that he also supported local leaders in the south of Java, Netherlands tactics stelsel fortress which construction of the fort in a location that has been mastered. The goal is clear, to strengthen the defenses of the enemy at the same time narrowing the space, especially in the South Kedu residency. This fort was established on the initiative of General Van den Bosch.

At the time of the battle of Prince Diponegoro around 1825-1830, Fort Van Der Wijck used as a defense. However, there are some experts who believe that the castle was not a fortress, but rather as a fortress logistics and Puppilen School or a military candidate school. Surely there is no historical record exactly to what the fort functioned.

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After the occupation of the Netherlands, Fort Van Der Wijck never functioned for a Japanese train Indonesian military formations namely PETA as reinforcements to face the Allies. In an age that is, the whole Dutch article in the castle painted black. Then utilized for the Indonesian army. In fact, during the Colonial Army, the New Order, Suharto, became one of the occupants of the fort.

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