kasongan village

Kasongan Village

Kasongan is the name of a popular tourist destination in the region of Bantul, Yogyakarta is famous for its earthenware handicrafts. This place is located precisely in the area of ​​Kajen hamlets, villages Bangunjiwo, poor districts, Bantul, Yogyakarta, about 6 km from the North Square of Yogyakarta to the South.

Kasongan originally a pesawahan land belonging to villagers in the south of Yogyakarta. In the period of Dutch colonization in Indonesia, in the area paddies belonging to one of the residents were found dead horse. The horse thought to belong to a Dutch officer. Since that time the Dutch occupation era, the people who own the land and immediately release the fear that their land rights are not acknowledged again later. Fear is also common in other populations that have rice fields around it that eventually also release land rights. Since the number of free land, the other villagers immediately recognize the land. Residents who do not own the land then switched professions to become a ceramic artisans who initially only mengempal-ngempal land that does not break when put together. The land is actually only used for children’s toys and kitchen furniture alone. However, due diligence and hereditary tradition, Kasongan Tourism Village eventually became quite famous.

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Since 1971-1972, Kasongan progressed quite rapidly. Sapto Hudoyo (a great artist Yogyakarta) help develop Kasongan by fostering communities that largely artisans to provide a variety of artistic and commercial touch to the design of pottery making pottery that is produced does not create the impression that boring and monotonous, but it can give artistic value and the value high economic. Ceramic Kasongan commercialized on a large scale by Sahid Ceramic circa 1980s.

The craft of pottery produced by Kasongan is generally in the form of jars with various motifs (peacocks, dragons, roses and many others), pots of various sizes (from small to shoulder the size of an adult), souvenirs, frames, wall hangings, furniture such as tables and chairs, etc. But then developing products ranges include artificial flowers from banana leaves, bamboo furnishings, mask-topengan and many others. The handicrafts are good quality and have been exported to foreign countries such as Europe and America. This village is usually very crowded by tourists visiting Yogyakarta.

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source : wikipedia.org & kebudayaanindonesia.net

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