balak island arise coral

Balak Island Arise Coral

There will never be end, if we talk about the beauty of our world. Moreover, the natural beauty that is located in Indonesia, because the location of Indonesia belongs to the islands that make Indonesia as one of the countries that have a wide variety of natural resources that are still unknown to many people. Of course, it’s kind of real proof that Indonesia also has potential issue like other countries in nature. There is an interesting in view today. The uniqueness and scarcity of Indonesia tourism place is Coral arise. Coral arise, are chunks of rock in sea which will look beautiful when the water began to recede from the sea. This raised coral located in Balak Island, Punduh Pedada, Pesawaran, Lampung. Arise coral located in Pagar Jaya sub district of Punduh Pedada Pesawaran. This island begins to be visited by tourists since 1997 till now, but there are still many people who do not know about this amazing view.

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Balak Island is one of the islands that have potential tourism place that can be developed. This island really offers a natural beauty which is very interesting. The natural beauty of course, do not forget that there are coral reefs in the sea, but it will appear when the sea receded. This nature gives essential views for tourists. Moreover, this island shows us that how beautiful nature is. Balak Island can be reached using a medium-size boat takes about 2 hours’ drive from the Port of Ketapang, Teluk Ratai. Many boats rent his services to cross to some beautiful islands such as Pulau Pahawang, Klagian Island, Pulau Tanjung and Balak Island.

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Besides, Balak Island has coral arise which has very unique and strange coral’s shape. There, we are offered place for lodging in. And there are also small shelters around the beach which are used to lay down after sunbathing. This also becomes one recommended tourism place in Lampung to visit.

source : ady mifarizki

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