arise sand

Arise Sand

Arise sand or Pasir timbul that is what people call. That is a unique beautiful place in a raw of beaches in Lampung province. Arise sand becomes more popular lately because of its natural spot in the sea that is full of sand. The arising area of sand can reach 5 hectares, if the tide is low. Can you imagine an area of 5 hectares? Of course it will certainly be a sand island sea. We can know the condition of low tide when the morning or afternoon. Although, there is no definite time to know the broad sand arising.

As a result, many tourists come from other region and province to see this arise sand. Moreover, there are also foreigner that visits arise sand. In addition, we can enjoy stunning underwater scenery by snorkeling. The water in this coastal area is very natural and so clear. The color’s combination of blue and turquoise sea are so fascinating.

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How to get in the location ?  Probably, you don’t need to reach far distance to get in this destination because this location is next to the other beaches in like Mutun, Duta Wisata, and Ringgung beach. But the nearest beach with this location is Ringgung beach. You just need to run your car 15 up to 25 minutes to arrive into this area. From ringgung beach you can rent a bout that load 10-15 persons each of it. There are also inns around the beach that special for the visitors that will spend a night. Hopefully this article helps you to find your destination tourism place in Indonesia.

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source : ady mifarizki 

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