tugu lawet

Tugu Lawet

Tugu name Lawet or Swallow did seem strange to those who have not never visited the town Kebumen.

A monument is located in the city center Kebumen with a height of about 15 This meter be a landmark Kebumen. The existence of this monument related closely with its potential Kebumen district is producing Swift’s nest.

History monument Lawet (Swallow) began when the region Kebumen, precisely in Coastal coral caves inhabited by the birds Karangbolong lawet (a swallow). The existence of the bird lawet already hundreds of years ago and Kebumen
showing its existence as one of the producers of bird nests swiftlet (lawet).

Tugu position Lawet (Swallow) is in the city center close to the Kebumen shopping centers such as shopping district, the wholesale market, and is in crossroads that make this region often bypassed by  vehicle. Kebumen Lawet monument depicts people who are trying to take a bird nest by crawling among rocks and at the top there are some swiftlet.  Depiction of the monument Lawet by way of harvesting the hive The cave swiftlet Karangbolong located on steep cliffs bordering the high seas by the locals. Before the harvesting event ritual prayer that the harvesting process smoothly and the harvesters are given safety. This is because the people around feel the location of the cave which is quite dangerous sea lip and myths that cave in Karangbolong beach is one of the gates leading to the magical kingdom  Nyi Loro Kidul.

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But now the conditions have changed, people prefer to maintain swiftlets in their homes or provide a special home for a place swiftlet stay. In consideration maintaining swiftlet The home is easier when to harvest, do not use ceremony expensive to harvest, and higher quality.

source : panoramio.com

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