klero temple

Klero Temple

Klero temple is also called Tengaran temple was in dusun.Ngentak, Desa.Klero, Kec.Tengaran, Kab.Semarang. The layout of the building approximately 500 meters from the highway Semarang Solo direction. Because of the narrow road to the temple and through the garden of citizens, imposing far from the highway.

This building is peinggalan Hindus, this can be evidenced by the ceremonial tool in the form of Yoni and Shiva statue. Shiva statue has been secured and retained by the Department of Antiquities in Semarang, Central Java. Yet this temple stand alone, which is not usually that Hindu temples often encountered with other temples in the surrounding buildings.

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The structure of the temple lower by about one meter from the ground around, so excavation of the temple sekiling 14 outsmart a width of 14 meters. High temple of the terrace or the base of the temple excavation of approximately 4 meters. The temple building looks a staircase or level. The first level as the base of the temple which is about 1.4 meters with a width of approximately 4 x 6 meter that serves as a terrace. The top is the temple itself which there yoni.

source : perpusnas.go.id

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