Muara Takus Temple
Muara Takus temple is located in the village Muara Takus, District Thirteen Koto Kampar, Kampar, Riau Province. The distance from Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau province, about 128 Km. To Muara Takus can only be done by road namely from Pekanbaru to Bukittinggi in Muara Mahat. From Muara Mahat via a small road leading to the village of Muara Takus. Muara Takus, the only heritage that shaped temple in Riau. This Buddhist temple is evidence that Buddhism once flourished in this area. Nevertheless, archaeological experts have not been able to determine exactly when the temple was founded.
There are two opinions regarding Muara Takus name. The first says that nam is taken from the name of a small river named Takus which Kampar Kanan. Another opinion says that the Muara Takus consists of two words, namely “estuary” and “Takus”. The word “estuary” has the meaning is clear, that somewhere an end the river flows into the sea or into larger rivers, while “Takus” is derived from the Chinese, Ta means besarr, Ku means old, and Se means temple or shrine , So the overall meaning of the word Muara Takus is a big old temple, which is located at the mouth of the river.
Muara Takus temple is a Buddhist temple, seen from the stupa, which is a symbol of the Buddha. There is the argument that this temple is a blend of Buddhist temples and Shiva form. The opinion is based on forms Mahligai Temple, one of the buildings in Muara Takus temple complex, which resembles the shape of a phallus (male) and yoni (female). The architecture of this temple also has some similarities with the architecture of the temples in Myanmar. Muara Takus temple is a complex consisting of several buildings.
The main building is called Tuo Temple. This temple measuring 32.80 mx 21.80 m and is the largest building in the existing buildings. Is north temple youngest. On the east and west sides there are stairs, which according to the original estimates decorated effigies, while the lower part is decorated lions in a sitting position. This building has 36 sides and consists of the first leg, second leg, body and top. The top has been broken and stones have many missing.
Tuo Temple was built from a mixture of molded bricks and sandstone (tuff). Tuo temple restoration carried out gradually due to the limited budget available. In 1990, completed the first leg on the east side. During the 1992/1993 fiscal year restoration was continued on the west side (feet I and II). Volume totaled 2,235 m3 building, consisting of: feet: 2,028 m3, body: 150 m3, and peaks: 57 m3. The building stands 8.50 m.
The second building is called Temple Mahligai. The building is a square with a size of 10.44 x 10.60 m. Height up to 14.30 m standing on an octagonal platform (astakoma) and bersisikan as many as 28 pieces. At the base there is a double lotus and towering in the middle of a tower that looks like a phallus (yoni).
In 1860, a Dutch archaeologist Cornel de Groot visit to Muara Takus. At that time in every hand he still found the lion statue in a sitting position. Currently these statues have disappeared. In the east, there is a terrace square with a size of 5.10 x 5.10 m with a staircase in the front. Volume 423.20 m3 Mahligai Temple building consisting of foot section 275.3 m3 volume, body and peak of 66.6 m3 81.3 m3. Mahligai temple began restoration in 1978 and completed in 1983.
The third building called the Temple of Palangkaraya, which is 3.85 m east Temple Mahligai. The building consists of red bricks that are not printed. Palangka Temple is the smallest, niches in different stone arrangement with Mahligai temple walls. Before the restoration was buried around one meter. Palangkaraya restored temple started in 1987 and completed in 1989. The restoration was carried out only on the legs and body of the temple, because the top was discovered in 1860 no longer exists. In the north there is a ladder that had been broken, so it can not be known to its original form. Foot octagonal temple with many angles, 6.60 m long, 5.85 m wide and 1.45 m from ground level with a volume of 52.9 m3.
The fourth building is named Candi youngest. Youngest temple located west of Temple Mahligai. The building is made of two types of stone, the sandstone (tuff) are on the front, while the bricks are on the back. Restoration of this temple began in 1988 and was completed in 1990. Through the restoration of the temple to its original shape, namely rectangular with a size of 7.50 mx 16.28 m. The top can not be restored, because the original form is unknown. After restoration 6.20 m from ground level, and its volume of 365.8 m3.
According to the image created by J.W. Yzerman together with TH. A.F. Delprat and Opziter (Sinder) H.L. Leijdie Melvile, on top of buildings made from red bricks are 8 pieces of small stupas surrounding a large stupa. On top of the buildings are made of sandstone (tuff) there is a big tupa. In the east there is a staircase made of sandstone.
In addition to the buildings above, in the north, or right in front of the temple gate there Tuo molehill that has two holes. This place is estimated a funeral pyre. One hole to insert the corpse and the other to pull out the ashes. Burial place, including in the maintenance because in the complex of enshrinement. In molehill that there are pebbles from the river Kampar. Outside the complex in Muara Takus, namely in several places around the village of Muara Takus, also found a few buildings that allegedly still closely associated with this temple.
source : perpusnas.go.id & indonesia.travel
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