way lalaan

Way Lalaan Waterfall

There are so many interesting places in Indonesia that have their own uniqueness relates to their histories and locations. Indonesia have many stories about that it depends on the where it locates and known. Another tourist destination that has little story in Lampung is Way Lalaan Waterfall. Base on story from native people, this waterfall has meaning about its name. Way means a river or water in Lampung, then Lala mean hot. Both of two become popular name is “Way Lalaan”, it has been opened since Dutch era in Indonesia.

Actually this waterfall is the most famous in Lampung, because Way lalaan waterfall has been visited by many visitors from other regions. This destination place would cover all your incompleteness feeling from you stress of course. Every weekend “Way Lalaan” looks so crowded, they come with their family and even alone to enjoy this nature.

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Furthermore, it’s possible for international traveler to come in this Way Lalaan waterfall. Recently, international tourists come from India, England, and Netherland to see this place. This location is managed by Tanggamus tourism service. No wonder that there are a lot of facilities that help you to enjoy that waterfall. Because of Way Lalaan waterfall is nearby Durian jungle area, we can also walk around to hunt some Durian to eat.

This waterfall locates in Pekon Kampung Baru, Kota Agung, Tanggamus region, Lampung. You need to get in Raden Intan Airport or Bakauheni then go to Bandar Lampung, directly drive your car into location. It takes for about 3-5 hours depend on the route that you would pass. Hopefully you would enjoy this place.

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source : ady mifarizki

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