walur beach

Walur Beach

Other beautiful beach which is located in west coast Lampung is Walur beach. It is kind of beach which is one of the most favorite places for the surfers in Lampung. This is the optional beach for the surfer when they are looking for the beach. This place starts to be visited by many visitors since 2000. The wave of this beach about more than 5 meters with no coral around seashore. Hence, it makes walur beach to be more famous.

Moreover, native people like to have new visitors in this beach. They are quite respectful to the foreigner. They would help you, if you need a guidance to do or get information to visit the location. There are some facilities that you can get from this beach. You will get free price of admission. There would be small shop or coffee bar and also cottage that used to spend a night. Usually tourists get their surfboard at 07am-10am in the morning and 15pm afternoon. All of them are quite cheap so you do not need to spend a lot of money.

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One of tourist that comes from California since 19 years ago, then now he stays in that beach full of love and peacefulness. They assume that the wave always ask them to stay in this place. Therefore, they have to guide new comers and introduce the beach to them. Many opinions that the waves in this beach is similar in Sumbawa.

How to get in this place
You will need time 6-7 house from Bandar Lampung. If you are form Bandar Lampung then you have to go in Kota Agung. The way of walur beach are good enough just a bit of waving on the road. But it will be nothing when you have been already the delicious food and coffee there. That is a short description about e walur beach.

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source : ady mifarizki & worldsurfin9.blogspot.co.id

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