Bale Raos Royal Cuisine Restaurant | Dine In Restaurants | Yogyakarta

Bale Raos Royal Cuisine Restaurant is a restaurant that serves the King of Yogyakarta’s most favorite food. The idea to built this restaurant was by GKR Hemas, which is the wife of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (the King of Yogyakarta now). The purpose of building this restaurant is to conserve the culture of Yogyakarta, especially in Yogyakarta’s culinary.

This restaurant located in Jl. West Magangan, Yogyakarta. In every Friday and Saturday, this restaurant always has a traditional live music, like Keroncong. Bale Raos Royal Cuisine Restaurant has complete facility. These facilities are two big pavilion with 40 people capacity for each place, VIP and meeting room, one Ballroom with 400 people capacity, and an open hall with 40 people capacity.

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You can enjoy the Javanese beer which is the traditional beer and also the favorite drink of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII and Javanese beefsteak, the favorite food of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX.


Bale Raos Cuisine Restaurant

Jl. Magangan Kulon No.1

Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55132

Telp : +62.274.415.550 , +62.274.2623.035

Fax : +62.274.415.550

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