Sumur Gumuling

Sumur Gumuling was a mosque with deep architecture philosophies. The main gate is only one to enter and exit, the philosophy is that human is created by God and human will return to God. The real sumur (well) is located in the middle of the building and on the upper part there are stairs to the second floor. There are 5 stairs, as manifestation of 5 pillars of Islam. Four of the stairs toward the middle form a small plain and other stair connects to the second floor. The later mentioned stair represents that if people are able then they can fulfill the 5th pillar of Islam, Pilgrimage to Mecca.At the second floor there are four windows that represent wind directions.

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Not every people know that Sumur Gumuling is located on the same complex of Taman sari, that actually was an underground mosque used in the glorious day of Keraton Yogyakarta.It is easy to reach Sumur Gumuling from west and east gate. Those gates are the end of Sumur Gumuling. The west gate is currently only collapse, while the east is still in good condition and can be passed.

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