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Embung Banjaroya
This Embung which has an area of 60 — 30 meters is a rain-fed reservoir capable of storing up to 10 thousand cubic meters of water. Embung Banjaroya normally used to irrigate gardens durian which covers 30 hectares during the dry season.
Embung is located in the hilly region, in the village Menoreh Banjaroya, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.
Access to Embung Banjaroya quite easy. From the center of the city of Yogyakarta, passing through Godean to the west to cross the Progo and continued to meet Kenteng red light. From the red light, take a right toward Magelang up in the Market Area Rest Bendo. Market Bendo turn left. Banjaroya water reservoir is approximately 3 km.
Initially, reservoir Banjaroya created to help irrigate paddy fields and plantations belonging to local residents. But now, Embung Banjaroya become one of the attractions that many tourists in Kulon Progo.

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