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Ketawai Island | Private Island & Beach Resort Escape | Bangka
Ketawai island is located in Kurau Regency, Central Bangka, about 18 kilometers from Pangkal Pinang, the capital city of Bangka Belitung province. It is approximately 28 hectares width and approximately 6 nautical miles from Kurau Village, Koba District. To reach the Ketawai Island from Kurau Village, you should rent a fishing boat of 500 thousand rupiahs. The Travel is taken for approximately 1 hour. Kurau Village can be reached by land from the Pangkal Pinang city for about 30 minutes. During the cruise, you can see the thick mangroves on the beach, and watched the tin mining in several locations
Ketawai Island is one of small islands pride of Central Bangka, the island is visible close to Kurau Village of Koba District. The island has a little occupant who inhabit several house. With the natural beauty of beaches with amazing underwater atmosphere.
When arriving on Ketawai Island, you will be greeted with clear seawater. Due to a clear water, we can see clearly small fishes swimming around the floating dock on the shoreline of the island. The beach also has softly white sand. You can get around to watch the beauty of Ketawai using a motor boat which takes about 45 minutes. In addition to beautiful beach, the island also has beautiful underwater. The coastal ecosystems in Ketawai Island is actually consisted of sea grass and coral reef ecosystems. The sea grass ecosystems in Ketawai Island is dominated by Thalassia hemprichii types and kinds of Halodule uninevis. It also found also some kinds of micro algae. Several species of reef fish can be found in under sea water of Ketawai Island as well as various types of Amphiprion, kerapu, yellowtail, damselfishes and others

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