ngobaran beach

Ngobaran Beach

Ngobaran beach located in Kanigoro, District Saptosari, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta. Ngobaran derived from the blaze, which means burning. The beach is called the region Ngobaran because supposedly this place used to be a place for Prabu Brawijaya V (the last descendants of the Majapahit Kingdom from 1464 to 1478 AD) burn themselves because they do not want to fight against his own son Raden Patah. But the truth of the story is still doubted by historians because there was no evidence to corroborate the allegation.

Ngobaran Beach is a beach that is often used to perform various religious rituals. In coastal areas there are mosques stand side by side with the temple facing the beach. In addition, some statues and stupas are also in this region.

Not only exotic, Turkish Ngobaran also save a lot of charm very attractive to be enjoyed. Several temples, temples and statues of gods like in Bali can indeed be found in this region. However you are not allowed into the temple. When only take pictures with background the temple would still be allowed. The atmosphere of this coastal area is different from other beaches in Gunung Kidul region. Being in this coastal area with the temple, the temple until the statues, as if making we are on the island of Bali.

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Ngobaran beach does not have a sloping beach, here the beach directly met by cliffs and rocks. And strongly advised not to swim to the middle of the beach because the sand is not flat and the waves were pretty big. On this beach, you can enjoy the natural beauty and the view of the sea area south of the top of the cliff.

The beach Ngobaran almost all its inhabitants work as fishermen, therefore you can buy their catch in the form of fish, lobster or various types of algae as souvenirs.

In coastal areas there is already a common bathroom, a place of worship and a parking lot with a parking fee of Rp 2,000 per motorcycle and Rp 5,000 per car. However, not many food stalls in this area. For that you should bring food and drinks themselves while enjoying the beauty of the sunset on the beach Ngobaran. This coastal area is also not there lodging. If you want to stay, you can get accommodation in the surrounding area Parangtritis.

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Located about 65 km from the city center. To go to the beach location required travel time of about two hours away. To achieve this tourist area is not too difficult because the road is paved. However, you should still be careful because the road to be traversed winding.

Parangtritis Beach, you just need to follow the road uphill in east Parangtritis then towards Bake. After that you can go to Saptosari and continued to Ngobaran Beach.

source : photo by ade putra

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