asu sengi

Asu Sengi Temple

The temple is located in the hamlet Sengi Asu Temple Post, Village Sengi, Shaman District, Magelang. At Coordinates: 7 ° 32’00 “latitude 110 ° 21’00” east longitude, or about 25 Km from Borobudur Temple to the northeast. This temple is a temple relic of ancient Mataram kingdom of breeds Wangsa Sanjaya (Mataram Hindu). The temple is located on the slopes of Mount Merapi west on the banks of the River Tlingsing Pabelan.

Asu Sengi name of the temple is from the actual name of the new ASU is given by the surrounding community when the temple was first discovered. The original real name is not known with certainty. Candi Asu name given because when I first discovered there is a statue of the Ox Nandhi that his form has been damaged and is more akin to resemble Asu [Dog-in Javanese], and Sengi the name of the village where the temple is located, the residents call it the Temple of the Dog Sengi.
relief.jpgBadan temple there is a relief decoration flora in the four side walls of the temple and there is a relief Kinara-Kinari (birds) as a garnish plisir which surrounds the temple walls. Relief Kinara-Kinari actually many temples engraved on the other relics of ancient Mataram in Central Java, as in Plaosan, Ratu Boko, and Candi Ijo.

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Candi Asu Sengi a missing piece of the temple roof to stand facing west, a square with a size of 7.94 meters by 7.94 meters. High foot of the temple as high as 2.5 meters, height 3.35 meters tall temple, the actual height of the temple is not known with certainty because the roof of the temple has been lost. Although the roof of the temple is now nothing should be assumed that the roof of the temple dome-shaped, it can be seen from pieces of stone which if established would resemble a dome. On the inside of the temple there is a statue of a cow or Nandhi, there is also a box-shaped wells depth reaches 3 meters in width measuring 1.3 meters by 1.3 meters. Function well is not certain, although the wall is still visible scars wells water discharge height.

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From some inscriptions found around the temple, can be identified including inscriptions of Sri Mangala I (numbers 874 AD) and the Sri Mangala II (figures for 876 M) and Inscription Kurambitan, of notes on the inscription can be estimated that the temple was built in around In 869 AD (during Rakai Kayuwangi of Sanjaya dynasty ruling). In these inscriptions also mentioned that the temple is a sacred place Asu Sengi for worship, both the worship of the ancestral spirits and the spirits of the kings and gods.

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