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This traditional food name came from local conversation, “Iki Opo?” (Javanese) that means “What is this?”. Then, people made an acronime based on that conversation, so this traditional food called as “Kipo”.
This traditional food popularized by Mrs. paijem Djito in 1986 in cooking contest. Mrs. Paijem Djito said that she got the recipe from her parent, Mbah Mangun Irono. Now days, Kipo become a very rare food, even in traditional market.
Kipo is small food, the size not more than adult’ thumbs. Kipo usually served with banana leaf under the food. The color if this food is green and chocolate in the center of the food. This color showed up because, this food made from grated coconut mixed with brown sugar. Taste of sweet and savory made this food different from other traditional food. People can find Kipo only in the morning at Kotagede Traditional Market. The price also cheap, only 1.700 (IDR).

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