tembi village

Tembi Village

Tembi Tourism Village, or who is also familiar with the term “Tembi Goddess”, is a rural-based tourist sites located on Jl. Parangtritis kilometer 8.5, Sewon, Bantul – Yogyakarta.

With just takes about 15 minutes from Malioboro and the city center, the location of Tembi village not too difficult to achieve. As well as the access road Parangtritis fairly easy – you just need to find a signpost marked “Tembi” if it will pass at kilometer 8.5.

Dewi Tembi also equipped with various facilities and services such as Front Office, Homestay, and also a relatively broad area so that you can play, traveled, but also learn and socialize with residents Tembi is ready to receive you with a friendly.

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Tembi existence as a tourist village at first is a unique idea of ​​Indonesian culture minister, who saw the potential of Tembi as a craft village and a village homestay. Tembi with a population of 911, has a homestay house ready for habitation as much as 38 home. In the homestay houses, the travelers / tourists can enjoy some of the standard amenities typical rustic rooms, that are likely to have appeal other than homestay house in general. That way, tourists can experience a different travel experience that is rural tourism.

source : tembivillage.wordpress.com

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