pasir putih beach

Pasir Putih Beach

Pasir Putih beach depicts interesting atmosphere which is able to fresh your eyes and feeling. The wonderful nature of Pasir Putih beach which only takes for about 20 kilometers from Bandar Lampung makes it as the destination place for Lampung citizen to spend their time in holiday season. Pasir Putih beach is located in Tarahan, South Lampung. We just need 30 minutes to get in this place from Bandar Lampung. Furthermore, surrounding this beach is filled of white sands that direct us to see what a pure sea water on this beach.

When we are at the Pasir Putih beach location, surely we will be greeted with its beauty. In other words, we cannot wait to walk on seashore of the beach that has white sand and blue clean water. Therefore, that makes visitors never disappointed visiting these beach. Many tourists who come to the beach from out of town and even foreign tourists. However, where the beach is not too well known globally in Indonesia or in particular. For a photographer certainly will not be bored-bored to press the camera button to get the best picture. And eventually will be an unforgettable experience for the visitors of the beach.

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How to get in Pasir Putih Beach
The location of Pasir Putih Beach is not too difficult to be found because we can use car passing through the Trans Sumatra from Bandar Lampung. If you are from Bakauheni you will pass Kalianda, and you certainly will pass the high rise that climbs Tarahan, after that you can find the location of the beach because the beach location is very strategic. Of course it attract many visitors who want to spend their time. If you do not like crowds in the beach, you could visit it when on the day on or during working hours.

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source : ady mifarizki

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