puthuk setumbu

Puthuk Setumbu

Sunrise for some people, especially travelers, to be the target when visiting an area.

Charm and exoticism sunlight early in the morning it became a magnet for enthusiasts nan riveting adventure.

In Indonesia, many favorite place to watch the sunrise. Of course we know the name of Mount Penanjakan in East Java as the best location to see the sunrise at once saw the beauty of the three other mountain, Semeru, Bromo, and Batok.

But who would guess, was in the tourist area of ​​Borobudur in Central Java was, we not only can enjoy the splendor of the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia, but also can enjoy the other tours, hunting sunrise.

During this time, tourists, mainly local, where a visit to Borobudur, only pursuing top of the temple as a primary goal.

In fact, there are other locations that are not less interesting and exotic. That Punthuk Setumbu, one of the best view point to watch the sunrise from Borobudur.

Punthuk Setumbu is a hill about 400 meters altitude in the north-west of Borobudur. Kerahan precisely in Hamlet, Village Karangrejo, District Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java.

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From above this altitude, travelers can witness the grandeur of the morning sun coming out from behind Mount Merapi and Merbabu.Tak just that.
From Punthuk Setumbu, visitors get a bonus beautiful scenery as Borobudur temple in the land above the clouds.

Setumbu Punthuk peak in the form of the courtyard that extends 200 meters northward Selatan.Di edges given a bamboo fence as a barrier.
This is a form of safety for visitors, because the front is a valley or ravine.

To reach the location sunrise view point of this, of Borobudur could use some roads into the village Kerahan.

From the direction of the terminal in the hamlet Janan Borobudur, Borobudur village, or gate Borobudur temple, visitors can pass through the road at the edge of the temple complex that leads to the South, then head west to the village of Karangrejo.
It could also be from the main road Borobudur-Salaman, go to Jalan Brongsongan pass Plataran Borobudur, a luxury hotel. Then turn right towards the hamlet Kerahan.

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A variety of means of transportation can be used. If set off in groups, it is more convenient to use a personal vehicle or rental car from the hotel.
Can also use the services of motorcycles, even bicycles. A number of overseas visitors many cycling dawn toward this Setumbu Punthuk.
From the parking place to the location of the court Punthuk vehicle only takes a fifteen minute walk. Comfortable track, because most already walled.
At the peak, there are some saung as a place to unwind. To get into this location, every visitor free of retribution of Rp 15,000.

According to Hashim, community leaders Karangrejo village, this popular new sunrise travel about 4 or five years ago. Initially in 2004, a citizen, Suparno which locate in Punthuk Setumbu was very beautiful to watch the sunrise.

From there, start the youth and organize the village governance locations with self funding and government support.
A path that was once ground, starting walled, such steps of. Parking management also involve local youth, thus opening up new job opportunities for them.

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“Yes, if a typical day there are at least 100 to 200 people who rise to this Setumbu Punthuk. Most foreigners who were guests of the hotel. But when Lebaran like now or school holidays, more banyaklagi. The court can accommodate approximately 1,000 visitors, only definite jostling, “said Hashim.
Well, if you had the opportunity to travel to Borobudur, a time to enjoy the other attractions, such as Punthuk this Setumbu. Sure you get a fun and exciting experience.

source : tribunnews.com & photo by ade putra

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