mount nglangeran

Mount Nglanggeran

Mount Nglanggeran is the only ancient volcano in Yogyakarta formed from magma clots occurring approximately 60 million years ago. Composed of igneous rocks such as andesite, lava and andesite breccias. The mountain is located in the village of Nglanggeran, District Pathuk, Gunung Kidul located in Thousand Mountains row.

Nglanggeran hill was the place where punish villagers careless damage puppet. Nglanggeran is the origin of the word that has meaning nglanggar violated. In the hundreds of years ago, the villagers around to invite a puppeteer to hold a celebration party panen.Akan results but the villagers do sloppy. They are trying to undermine the puppet puppeteer. Mastermind wrath and curse of villagers into puppet figure and thrown into the Mount Nglanggeran.

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There are some large rocks which, according to stories of local people are used to a hermitage residents. Local residents said that according to belief, Mount Nglanggeran guarded by Kyai Ongko Wijoyo and puppet characters Punokawan. On New Year’s Eve Java or Friday POND, some people choose to meditation on top of the mountain. The mountain is also resident Nglanggeran never find a statue like Ken Dedes.

Based on the research, this volcano is an active volcano about 60 million years ago. Mount Nglanggeran derived from seafloor volcano uplifted and then into mainland millions of years ago. It has great mountain towering rocks that are usually used as a hiking trail and a place for residents hermitage. The mountain peak is Mount Gedhe at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level, with a vast mountainous area reaches 48 hectares.

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The journey to the top of the mountain will pass through the streets and alleys soil narrow rocks. By mileage ascent approximately two hours, tourists can climb the highest peak of the ancient volcano. When departing the afternoon, tourists can watch the setting sun. In addition, visitors also need to use a rope to climb hills short. There are signs that make tourists are not easily lost.

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