Kedulan Temple
Kedulan which is located in the village Tirtomartani, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, about 2.5 km from the temple Sambisari.Candi is currently in the process of excavation and reconstruction, because when discovered, buried under the ruins of the temple in a state of soils derived from G. Merapi lava.
The main building Kedulan discovered on 24 November 1993 by accident by sand miners who were mining sand in arid lands that constitute “crooked land” Tirtomartani village. The so-called “crooked land” is land belonging to the village are allowed to be utilized and the results taken by the village chief during his tenure. Sand mining was stopped, resumed archaeological excavations conducted by BP3 gradually. When excavations continued, the condition of the temple was in ruins, the stones were scattered because buffeted Merapi lava and buried at a depth of six meters below ground level. After officers archaeologists dig deep as seven meters in an area of 4,000 square meters, the main temple terpampanglah Kedulan. Berdenah temple has a length of 13.7 meters and height of 8009 meters.
Experts estimate that in the complex Kedulan there is a main temple facing east, dealing with three ancillary temples were lined up from north to south. The temple complex surrounded by a guardrail, seen from the wall along two meters from east to west. The estimate is based on the similarity Kedulan with Sambisari which has been completely refurbished in 1985. Both Sambisari and Kedulan a Hindu temple. The shape and size of the main temple is also not much different. In the middle of the main building there is phallus and yoni. The difference between them is that Sambisari facing west, while Kedulan temple facing east. Outer fence as found in Kedulan are also in Sambisari. The Kedulan found also in northern Mahesasuramahardini statues of Durga, Ganesha statues in the west, Agastya and Mahakala in the south, as well as Nandiswara on either side of the entrance of the temple.
Currently, the already opened new ancillary temples located at the south end. Perwara is located four meters below the ground surface. Location ancillary temples are located just below the village road.
While perwara middle in the process of excavation and has revealed several stone temples, while ancillary temple on the north side completely unexploited.
At the time of excavation, near Agastya, found two inscriptions, each of length 75 cm, width 45 cm and a thickness of about 23 cm. Both inscriptions are written with letters Pallava and Sanskrit.
Given the severity, most likely in the first two inscriptions, known as Inscription Sumundul Pananggaran and inscription is indeed located in the place. Both are framed in many Saka 791 or 869 AD. Given the year of manufacture inscriptions, allegedly Kedulan built when Rakai Kayuwangi ruled Hindu Mataram kingdom.
Both the inscription contains provisions that the use of the dam in the village Pananggaran for the public interest and that the revenue generated from the dam was exempt from taxation by the state because it is used to fund Kedulan.
source : perpusnas.go.id & ancientmataram.files.wordpress.com
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