selogriyo temple

Selogriyo Temple

On the eastern slopes of the foothills of Mount Sumbing, stands the centuries-old temple is Temple Selogriyo. The temple is located in a remote location of the settlement, and hidden among the hills Giyanti, Condong and Malang. Selogriyo temple stands majestically stands in the hamlet Campurrejo, Village Kembangkuning Windusari subdistrict, Magelang. It is said that this temple is a relic of the heyday Hindu 8th century AD. Selogriyo temple is an ancient relic temple was probably built during the Hindu Mataram kingdom.

Selogriyo temple, which is touted as a relic Sanjaya dynasty in the 8th century, is said that this temple was built at the same time as the temple in the Dieng plateau. situated on top of a hill. A spacious hilltop temple built Selogriyo about 300 square meters. While the land owned by the Government of Magelang District, which stretches the main gate of the temple began to fence at the top of the hill, covering an area of ​​1,195 square meters.

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Selogriyo temple located on the eastern slope at an altitude of 740 meters above sea level. Administratively, this temple is located in the village of Candisari, District Windusari, Magelang. Route the nearest one is the path-Bandongan Magelang. Arriving in Market Bandongan turn right towards Windusari districts. At a T-junction there are directions to the temple board. Entering Mixed Rejo village gate to the main gate of the temple Selogriyo, road width on average only about one meter. Most road to Selogriyo already dipaving. Some others, a path which divides the population paddy fields, still left a dirt road.

Selogriyo temple located in the Eastern slope of the hill that is a collection of three Lean Hill, Giyanti and Malang in Mixed Rejo village, Kec.Windusari, Kab.Magelang.Candi Selogriyo are relics of the Hindu around the 9th century, among others, marked the direction toward the door to the East, the statue of Ganesha, Durga, Agastya in tersebut.Candi temple was found in a state of collapse and reconstructed into the form it is today.

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Indonesia Classical architecture background Hindu religion is facing toward the east. The four side walls of the temple there are five niches where statues of gods embodiment. These statues are Durga Mahisasuramardini (north wall), Ganesha (western wall), Agastya (south wall), sertaNandiswara and Mahakala (east wall).
One feature of this temple is its top without ancillary shaped fruit keben. The summit called amalaka.

In December 1998, the temple was destroyed because of the hill on which the building stands suffered landslide. The reconstruction process re-completed in 2005.

Access to the temple premises from residential areas only a footpath to the contours of the rocky ground along approximately 2 kilometers. This course is suitable for those who like exploring the natural hiking while enjoying the lush countryside atmosphere. In this temple are shaped like a spring shower, the location is about 10 meters from the temple. According to the beliefs of local residents, reputedly the shower water is believed to cure various diseases and gives youthful. The scenery around the temple is very beautiful and the air is fresh because it is located at the foot of the mountain. According to the elders of the people around, Selogriyo temple is a place of worship and the worship of the Hindu priest or a king’s retreat.

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