museum lampung

Museum Lampung

Many historic places in Indonesia, then who knows that it will be one of favorite tourism place destination for the tourist? Once of popular place in Lampung, today is museum Lampung. It is named “Museum Ruwa Jurai”. It locates in Jln. Zainal Arifin Pagar Alam No. 64, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung. Once you visit this place you will know many kinds of relics that will bring you in past time. There are many histories about Lampung that you can find in Museum Lampung.

In September 24, 2988 this museum is legalized minister of education and culture. Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan. This event come in time with commemoration of international letters’ day. Actually, this building has started in 1975 then the first stone placement in 1978. This museum called “Ruwa Jurai” as it’s written as “Sai Bumu Ruwa Jurai” Lampung’s Jargon in official logo of Lampung Province.

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Museum Lampung saves more than 4.730 relics and others old stuffs. They are divided in 10 kinds such as, geology, biology, ethnography, historic, heraldic, philology, teratology, fine art, and techno grapy. From those collections ethnographies have more than 2.070. They include human hand made and special form of culture of Lampungnese. The collections most shown come from the second group are the most prevalent indigenous Lampung, namely Sei Bathin (Peminggir) and Pepadun. Then, from both groups had differences in rituals and accessories used in custom events, namely giving a birth, sharpening teeth, marriage, and death.

How to get in this place:
You need to get in “Raden Intan Air Port” Lampung, if you are from Jakarta then go to Bandar Lampung. You also can get into this location through passing the Sunda strait by ship, it will show you from Merak to Bakauheni then directly go to Bandar Lampung. The Museum Lampung is in Jln. Zainal Arifin Pagar Alam No. 64, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung, next to Lampung University.

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source : ady mifarizki

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