way kambas national elephant park

Way Kambas National Elephant Park

Way Kambas is one of the beautiful national elephant park in Lampung. It is an ecosystem representation which is under valley from fresh water in a jungle beach Sumatra. There are more than 50 kind of mammals live within, including Sumatra’s rhinoceros, elephants, tigers, tapirs, gibbons, wild dog (coyote), and 406 kinds of type duck bird such as: heron, crane, and etc. Of course, there are a lot of reptiles, amplifies, amphibians, fish, and insects. It is called way kambas because there is a river which surrounds the jungle. Since the Indonesian’s government has claimed way kambas as national elephant park in Lampung, it becomes more popular in many places, and countries around the world. The ministry of agriculture and forestry, Indonesian’s government has promoted in circulating latter No. 670/Kpts-II/199 which is about 125.621,3 hectare widely.

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Now there are more than 290 elephants that have already been tamed by a wild beast tamer in way kambas national elephant park. This work has been doing since 1985 till now, so almost of wild elephants have been isolated in that place in order to keep their safe life from hunters. The tame elephants have been trained in way kambas, thus make the elephants have another skills to entertain the tourist. The elephants have been taught to do some acts to collect the lumbers and plow the soil in order to help the farmers. Besides, special elephants also train to have skill like a human namely: play football, dancing, shake hand, give the regards, and many more.

However, big mount of tourist in way kambas still can be calculated in period of time. Most of tourist visit way kambas national park in holiday season. It takes among in July and September every year. Unluckily, the numbers of foreigner from others countries still don’t know about this beautiful elephant’s park.

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Some locations to visit in way kambas elephant’s park

Don’t miss all locations on that place when you are there. Your first destination should be on the elephant’s attraction, there is also place for having camp for who’s like an adventure in the jungle. On the other side you will also find research and breeding center of rhinoceros. The last turn, you’ll be guided to walk through the river kambas.

How to get in way kambas as your destination for your tourism place:
You need to reach Lampung province Sumatra Indonesia, Bandar Lampung, Metro, then go to Way Jepara, it takes for about 2.5 hours 120kilometers. Whereas, if you come from Local Airport Branti , Metro, way jepara, 1.5 hours 100kilometers. If you have arrived in that location you need to contact official service at: Jl. Raya Way Jepara, Labuan Ratu Lama, (0725) 44220.

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source : ady mifarizki & indonesia.travel

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